Mònica Molins Duran

Imparts the Data & Performance capsule

Graduated in graphic design. Specialising in the Music Business, she directed the visual image of the Sala Apolo in Barcelona for 5 years. At the same time, she trained in acting, theatre direction and dramaturgy.

She is currently dedicated to research and creation within the world of the performing arts, focusing particularly on projects with a high degree of interdisciplinarity. In parallel to creative production, she is the director of the Elisava Theatre Group and teaches advanced performance techniques.

“Designing = acting. As designers we have to dare to transgress the usual formats in order to understand design in a holistic way, that is, as the abyss of possibilities that exist in the relationship between information, composition and space. Thus any body, place, sound, silence, emptiness or action is capable of communicating, and therefore of becoming design material”.

more faculty

Sílvia Escursell

Runs the Graphic Workshop sessions in the MVD and the MED, teaches about Materials for Packaging in the MBP

Pablo Salas

Teaches Design management in the English edition of the MVD

Edgar Pons Forn

Leads the workshop Who is afraid of Technology?

Serge Rompza

Node Berlin

Guest professor, leads a workshop about content creation