Olga Pérez Estrada, Ajuntament de Barcelona

Teaches Design management in the Spanish edition of the MVD

With a degree in Psychology, I complemented my training with studies related to team leadership and communication skills, a sector in which I worked during the first years after graduating. My professional life took a turn in 2002 when I started working at Base Design as an Account Manager and thanks to a great team of professionals I learned everything about design and communication of graphic projects during 11 years.

In 2013 I joined Carlitos y Patricia and in 2016 I changed to Bisgràfic, in both places I was project manager responsible for leading the teams, the clients and the day to day of the project. At the end of 2017 I had the opportunity to make change and become part of the Communication Management team of Barcelona City Council, a position in which I am still currently leading part of the management of projects and teams.

I have been a member of the ADG-FAD board since 2015.

“The aim of the course is to exercise a double perspective on a project: on the one hand, the strategic and global perspective, which allows us to see the project as a whole and reach the final objective; and on the other hand, we will focus on the detail, emphasising what distinguishes each phase of the work.”

more faculty

Toni Llàcer

Teaches Research and Context in the MVD, Theoretical and Methodological Research Framework in the MADD, and Understanding (De)growth and Visions in the MBP

Simón Sepúlveda

Runs the Experimentation classes

Damián 'Mich' Micenmacher

Teaches professional development and presentation skills

Camilo Roa


Guides the UX/UI part of the digital master project